4th Grade Target


It's good to be back! 
My 4th graders began a new unit this week: The Twenty-One Balloons. Although I have enough books to go around and share, I did tell the students they can buy their own copy if they want. They DO NOT need their own copy; we have plenty in class. But this critical thinking novel study will end with the students launching their very own hot air balloons! The kids will work together in small teams to design and build a balloon they believe will launch. We are going to have so much fun with this unit! We'll need a few supplies to make it happen. I'll send a list home soon.

We're continuing with our WEIGHTY WORDS studies, which is so hilarious! Hopefully the students use the words they learn in conversation and really make it their own!

Everything else is moving along right as planned. We've worked on Divergent Thinking, Convergent Thinking, Evaluative Thinking, and Algebraic Reasoning. Students received their Semester 1 report cards today, so take a look at your convenience and file it away...no need to return it to me.

I am so happy that class has resumed. As always, reach out if you need anything!
Ms. Zentner


We had so much in class yesterday! Well, I had fun watching my students try to solve holiday critical thinking puzzles all day! :) They worked independently and in teams to figure out a multitude of challenges I threw their way. They never gave up and laughed all day!

About midday, I asked them, "How many presents did my true love give me during The Twelve Days of Christmas?" Those answers were hilarious, but one team did in fact figure it out! They were shocked at how spoiled I must be to get that many gifts!  hahahahaha

My favorite part of the day was their Divergent Thinking Challenge: It's NOT a Gingerbread Man! I had the students complete that in the Brain Book, so take a look at their beautiful work! I was (as always) so impressed with their originality. I'm so proud of these kids!

I did not send home the Target Tally yesterday. I'll use grades from those final weeks to generate report cards. Students will bring home their Semester One Report Card the next time they come to Target class.

Target Resumes the Week of January 13

Target starts back on a Thursday, which is not your regular day. So your child will come back to Target class the following week, Jan. 18.

I hope you have a wonderful holiday break and a Merry Christmas! I've had a great semester with this class and can't wait to get back to business with them.

Thank you for all you do for us!!