Is it time already?
I can't believe I'm writing this post, but, with the exception of my 2nd graders, next week is our last week of Target class for the year. 2nd grade met for the last time this week.
Parties and Celebrations:
We will have small class celebrations next week, so if you'd like to send in treats to share, please do. WE ARE A NUT FREE CLASSROOM, so please keep that in mind as you make your decisions.
In addition, by now everyone should have received information about our big, whole-department celebration on Saturday, May 21, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, at North Cooper Lake Park. Check your child's Target binder for all the details. A flyer is coming home with all students this week on their T day.
Supplies for Next Year:
As we end our year, I'm asking the students to keep some of their supplies for next year. Of course if they want to start the year with all new materials that's fine, but I don't want you to think you have to buy new stuff every year. The things students can reuse year after year in Target are:
- binders
- pencil pouches
- tab dividers.
Beginning the Year:
We don't begin Target classes the first week of school. You'll receive information about our classes during your homeroom Meet & Greet, so be sure to listen for those slides during the presentation. The information we share is which Target teacher your child will have, which day his Target class meets, and supplies needed. We post this information too, so checking the blog is a good idea.